Hi, we're the Rangers.

We make bird houses that help nature.

Bird Houses

Our bird houses are built by hand.

What makes our bird houses special.

1. I sand them.2. They’re built with care.3. They’re made with cedar wood, which is sturdy in the weather and untreated so it won’t make the birds sick4. The hole is perfect for Carolina Chikadees, which live in Central Texas.5. It comes with breathing hole and has a nail hole for hanging.

Carolina Chickadees

Our bird houses are made specifically for Carolina Chickadees.

Fun facts about Carolina Chickadees.

Where is the Carolina Chickadee found?
Carolina Chickadees are found in the southern part of the United States. That includes Texas.
How big are they?
5 inches
What do they eat?
They love nuts and seeds.
What months are they found in?
March to June.
My three favorite facts about this bird
1. They make a chirpy and squeaky noise.
2. They don’t migrate.
3. Their black-crested head.

Order your bird house today.

Bird houses are custom made and take about 4 weeks to arrive.